03 April 2006

The love for cats

If I could provide love for all the cats in the world, i would ;)
I can't believe how much I love cats. It's like they call out to me with their eyes! With the twitch of their ears. Their soft purrings, their sexy catty rolls on the floor and their desire to want more - more patting, more attention, more tickles, more caresses.

Like hallo, we
do have a life too u know. Like I'm going to work and the kitty on the 3rd floor tries to block my way! not kidding, she's run ahead of me down the stairs so she can block my step and I can't step over her cos if she moves, i trip! Planning or what? :) Yet I cannot complain.

Cats are lovely solitudinal creatures who have so much capacity to be loved, it puts us humans to shame. honestly.

I've been spending the last few weeks walking around Singapore (area around Raffles Hospital, Masjid Sultan, Bugis and then Middle Rd near National Library, and of course the infamous cat hang out place near Boat Quay leading to the Bridge connecting Fullerton hotel to the ACM) has lots of roaming cats... some hiding in bushes, some playing with insects, haha, and some plain lazing and sunning themselves. Gosh, what life!

Here's a special tribute to my dad's late uncle who was such a dedicated cat lover, that even in his poverty stricken state in the crowded Bombay nook of Dongri, he made space and love for the cats - loving them, bathing them, feeding them and studying their faces to see if they were attacked etc... such love. Grand Uncle, you are indeed a hero for cats. And i admire you for that.

meow :) *
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24 January 2006

inner start-ups

you get this feeling of complete happiness, peace and harmony within and you know you've hit home. It's that feeling for me now after what seems like a bloody long time. I've finally started on working for myself. From home. I've meant to do this ages ago, even attempted it 3 years back and then gave it up!! Yikes. This time i feel more prepared and inshaAllah things will pan out more sustainably.

need to be surrounded with good energy and good thoughts, good people who mean well. i've made some decisions: no need to waste time with anything that works against my grain. it's not worth my time/energy.

I will plan out each day and start things that i want to do. And complete them.
Every inner start-up is a long process. It cannot be abandoned. It's like taking care of a pet or having plants. You can't just neglect them, forget about them or expect someone else to pick up your pieces. So this personal decision seems to be very much a responsibility issue which I want to take on and grow into.

I'm going back to my writing and editing and sure it will take time before Iget paid but at least I'll get the time to do all the other things I value... like cooking and being at home :) ahh such bliss.

so i'm not your typical Leo - go getter, can't sit still, adventurous for the sake of a challenge - no. I'll take my cake when i want it. Right now the slice feels good to be at home and just work hard.

here's more writing power to all of us out there striving out on our own!

Good Energy to you all!
