17 December 2010

from Rumi's Mathnawi

"When the full moon shines on a clear night
What would it have to fear of the dogs or their barking?

The dogs continue to do what they are supposed to do
And the moon continues to beautify the face of the night.

A bit of weed floats on water
Yet the water does not lose its purity
Mustafa* splits the moon in half

While Abu Lahab utters silly curses.

Jesus revives the dead
While his enemies pull their beards put of hatred.
The sound of the dog never reaches the ear of the Moon

If that moon is a friend of God."

* Referring to prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, whose other name is Mustafa, or the chosen one, and to his miracle of splitting the moon in half, as mentioned in the chapter 'The Moon' (Sura Al Qamar: 54) of the Quran.

From M J Rumi, Mathnawi "The Candy Seller Child (The Debtor Sheikh)".

27 October 2010

A traveller's farewell

a thousand words written
a thousand miles travelled
a thousand faces scanned
a thousand smiles felt
the heart records these
tacitly -
securely fastened by
the seatbelt of time

alas it is the hour
for the soul in flight
to fly... and
to return - inshaAllah
determined only by
the hands of fate
yet the written word of
the writer within
leaves beautiful memories
to safeguard and behold
farewell sweet land
i leave -
with a kiss of thanks.

~ Copyrighted by Fern

28 August 2010

The Leaf that Refuses to Fall

Your gentle smile, your softest of sighs
your quiet but steady footedness
the impatience to love boldly
the rebellion to behold...

the tinge of regret in me
announces a desire unmet
to live frivolously
as you often voiced
to not be afraid of
what anyone thinks

to live upon the wave of adventure
to dare to dream to take on
I take these lessons from you m'dear
in the hope of extraditing all fear

and as I choose to walk on my path
I fondly recall you, my tender half
for in my heart remains
a leaf refusing to fold
to the colour of fall
cos it stubbornly loves
your presence so and prays
in every similitude of hope
that your heart's mind
may chance this way again

alas alas a mortal wishes
mortal ends
for infinite Love is
beyond a beginning
and beyond an end
if only, if ONLY
our hearts' vision bends.

17 August 2010

Thoughts of a 20 yr old

This is from a journal entry written in uni days.

"There she was sitting on the edge
of the lowly built well -
whose curvature slightly resembling
the soft turns of her humble anatomy.

Peering intensely down
the depth of darkness
she feels desolate and disillusioned
weighed down to a hundredth of a fraction.

Conscience, her constant companion
had suddenly deserted her
and its rival- the unconscious
had impetously taken over

so there she sat
throwing small round pebbles
watching the circular whirls -
a fixed gaze
not understanding
not wanting to understand...
those concentric circles
Make her head spin
round and round
and round... and round
The monotony of the concentricity
is disturbed lavishly
a mynah has come to
quench her thirsty desire
and a soft feather falls -

the scent of the lush green grass
and the musical cacophony
of delicate creatures
emerge magically

The lively misé-en-scene
confronts her silence
how nature is so gay and free
displaces her desolation
and she wanders to another plane."

~ farheen Mukri