11 June 2011

Fifty years of a bitter-sweet union

They did it! Fifty long years of trudging along the marital path, of putting up with one another, of biting their tongue and being patient when the tendency was to just yell out at the other, of reminding themselves the bigger picture meant holding the fabric of the family together and staying together. 

Mom and dad celebrated their 50th anniversary this past weekend (June 2011) and I felt a glowing sense of pride and pleasure as I celebrated it with them. 

Their request had been simple - just a simple chaat* outing at East Coast Park. So we packed 2 flasks of chai, grabbed two picnic mats, some of my traveller-friendly cups, and off we went to the beach. We packed our own chai because the one served in public places is so sweet and if you say 'no sugar', it's so bland and bitter. So to satiate mom and dad's chai desire, we made it at home and off we went. I was blessed to have a car in those days and with God's grace, managed to find a parking spot close to the beach area so mom needn't walk for miles. 

I had invited my cousin Sarim along and he was then newly arrived in Singapore.  So it was fun! Sarim and I went to buy all the chaat samaan from nearby Komala Vilas. And as the beach became crowded, we dug into it and had a small family circle enjoying the sunset and the evening. As dusk overtook everyone's agenda, it was mesmerising to be at the beach and watch planes take off from Changi in the distance or ships on the horizon. Lovely evening light. Kids were flying their kites and several malay and indian families were coming out of the sea after casual play in the water.

Mom and dad, I'm so proud of you two. Despite all the difficulties we have all faced as a family, you have shown by example that patience, love, acceptance are powerful tools that hold the family together. Much more than Phds, career successes or money. I remain forever grateful to your persistence at life and its challenges. May we all learn a lesson or two from your example :) Ameen. 

May you always have health, wealth (of iman and daily existence), and rewards always and always. May all your duas be accepted and my love remains with you always. 

Thank you for your dedication and sacrifice!
Much love from your daughter     

*Chaat - a collection of South-Asian snacks often eaten at late afternoon tea time.


  1. Thanks for your feelings and aspirations, my DT.
    Married life is just like a journey on a vehicle with 2 wheels. Both wheels must move with equally similar speed,perseverance and a goal for a Happy Family. WE HAVE DONE IT.

    Minor differences aside,I recall that my wife has been a real asset to me in many ways, always staying together, facing the odds of life smilingly & bravely.We consulted and mutually agreed on major issues with sincerity & honesty.
    The main pillar of our life has been ISLAM & teachings of QURAAN as guide for maintaining a joint family.
    We did our best with what we had and Allah helped us all the way.

    So have full trust in Allah with patience and perseverance for a successful life.

  2. Simply Beautiful! Uncle's reply too
