14 May 2014

Miracles happen all the time

I have stopped working full time as of now, 3 yrs ago. One of the things abt going to work same time as a few million people was dealing with the insane human jam at train stations. Cunningly I had avoided these unpleasant journeys in as much of my working life as possible, by taking the bus. On the odd occasion I had to take the train as destinations wld be right by the station for example. Today is one such day.

Of course in the last few years the population taking the train has increased at least threefold and now the SMRT has offered free rides if you board trains between 6-7am or something like that. But the jams at peak hour still don't look eased up. I reached Clementi station at 8.05 I think. And cldn't get into the first train that came. I was wondering how now, will I be late. I was annoyed that the woman in front of me hadn't pushed thru into the train and then later while we all waited, had stepped on my feet accidentally and didn't even bother saying sorry or acknowledging it. She had barely looked to see what she stepped on! I thought at least after a while she may realise but she didn't bother. Another woman opposite us also wanting to enter the same door had seen all this and I cld feel her glance on me trying to read my face. I restrained all kinds of impatient expressions on my face.

Miraculously within a minute the next train came. It was.... completely empty. This hardly happens. And best of all I got a seat... again something that hardly happens in morning peak hour. Getting the seat is especially a respite when you're having severe first day cramps. As I sat down, a realisation dawned on me: It was a blessing to have missed the earlier packed-to-the-brim train. It was a blessing to have had a lady step on my toe so I reacted waiting for a 'sorry', and hence in hindsight could see I was meant to have patience given time for next train. It was a blessing to have an empty train so that I got a seat to sit on for the 45min journey. All my anxiety, frustration, quick reaction dissipated in that one moment of realisation.

I saw a bigger and higher wisdom hover around and above me. I would not have known of what's to come. So to surrender completely means to let go all the time for all moments. Do your part but don't have expectations. Easier said and easier understood but to practise it moment by moment needs practise and conscious action of 'not doing' (wu wei).

May we always continue to 'see' miracles in the mere everyday mundane acts we take for granted so we are always grateful. Rabbana barik lana.

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